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Sabtu, 13 November 2010

United states presidency official car

Barack Obama's presidential car the which has been waiting observers of the automotive world, finally premiering on Inauguration Day Tuesday, January 20, 2009.It is the Cadillac One, the product of General Motors (GM) Cadillac specially Designed to protect the United States number one in his official daily activities.Limousine commonly Called The Beast has a special specification like war tanks to protect the life of Obama. Although the U.S. The Secret Service did not initially launch Cadillac One detail to the public for Security Reasons, but eventually opened to the public.
ChassisArmed with the framework of medium-sized trucks and reinforced with Kevlar and 5-inch-thick metal under the car bomb and grenade-resistant.BodyThe combination of exterior Cadillac STS and DTS. Made of hardened steel, titanium, aluminum and painted ceramics to withstand bullets attackpenetrating metal

Spoiler for Mobil

Already many kendraan on the streets who are moving in the water for ngindarin jammed a very solid, the only way to make modern transportation that can be used in the water.

Senin, 01 November 2010

Predicable Berlin GmBH Velotaxi property

EVEN metropolis, Berlin is still providing human-powered transportation. If in Jakarta predicable expelled so out of line with protocol, tricycles Berlin called "velotaxi" This attractive free passengers anywhere.

Just be sure not to imagine this Berlin rickshaw-battered battered like most rickshaw in our country. This Velotaxi conveyances modern design with trendy packaging. Not like here rickshaw driver in the back, the driver sitting in the front passenger velotaxi.

At first glance, such as bajaj, but was encouraged to use the foot. When passing in Postgame Plats, I see no velotaxi drove slowly toward the shopping center Kurfuerstendamm. Tailor tidy cab, not in uniform, wearing shorts, and sneakers.

Perhaps because of the summer, they seemed to relax and to enjoy the sunny weather of Berlin. Description conveyances operated Velotaxi this GmBH cabin like an egg shell. Generally orange-yellow color.

There is no door, and between the driver's seat just sealed canvas low. Passenger cabin is limited to two persons only. Like taxis, rickshaws Berlin also has a number that is placed on the roof above the front cab driver.
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